Julie Costa ~ ACSM Certified Personal Trainer & IFBB Professional Athlete
Monday, August 31, 2009
Fall Resolutions
I like to think of this time of year as a fresh start. It's the start of a new season and in essence, almost a "clean slate". Were there things in the summer that you wanted to get done but didn't? Are you looking to set a new goal or overcome a new challenge? Take the time to think about that...what would you like to see happen this fall that maybe didn't in the summer. During the summer, we can get easily consumed with family/friend outings, bbq's, beachtime, and just summer laziness in general. What would you like to see happen this fall? Maybe set a fall resolution...resolutions are not just for the beginning of a new year.
For me, I'm looking to constantly challenge myself, and not just physically and with strength. This fall I'd like to see all of my hard work from the summer pay off by obtaining some new clients at the gym. I'd like to get some new clients that really challenge me as a trainer, clients that ask questions and really make me...work! Did I just say that? The only way I can grow is to be challenged, it's the only way I can and will learn. So that's my resolution - to keep on growing, learning and challenging myself. Stay tuned for updates on this one!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Taking a Breather
I still have a lot of stuff to catch up on and have to get my own training in, but wanted to take the time to update my blog as I know you all REALLY want to know what's going on with me lol. I'm off to Atlantic City tomorrow morning for the weekend to work an event and am really excited as I've never been to Atlantic City before and I love visiting new places. I love taking the time to explore on my own - and by exploring I mean running/walking around the city and getting in a workout at the same time haha! Here's to a great weekend in a new city!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Keep Pushing For It

I just got home after a kickass workout at the Cathy Savage Fitness studio with the one and only, Paula Harvey (otherwise known as Lil P). Paula is a little bundle of fire and energy that choreographs many fitness routines as well as trains many of Cathy's clients with functional and plyometric workouts. She also helps many of us with our stage presence/walking and posture. Did I mention that she is also an amazing yoga teacher? That woman sure can do everything! Geesh!
After training clients and running bootcamps all day, it can sometimes be difficult to focus on my own training and making sure that I am pushing myself as much as I push others. Don't get me wrong - I certainly train hard. However, after tonight's workout I am realizing that I need to push myself harder. When I workout with Paula, she pushes me to a place that I never knew I could get to. After an hour with her, I feel amazing and stronger than ever!
With that being said...I think that this relates to everyone in their everyday lives. This doesn't have to just be about training and workouts. Do you want that promotion at work? Are you currently doing everything in your power to get there? Really think about it - if not, push harder! We tend to get to a comfort zone that we can never get past. Write down your goals, what you want to achieve, where you want to be strong and succeed and...make it happen. We are each strong in our own separate ways. Strength is not just about the physical aspect - it is also very mental and emotional. If you had to pick just 1 thing - what would be your greatest strength????
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Meal Preparation - One of the Many Tasks of a Fitness Competitor

Staying Positive
Why is it that we let these people so easily bring us down to feel the same as them? The truth of the matter is that they don't bring us down - we let them bring us down. We can so easily and quickly get wrapped up in their world and feelings of negativity, that our feelings of waking up great and ready to conquer the world dissolves. Why do we let this happen?
I challenge each and every one of you to take a few deep breaths next time you encounter Nelly, Debbie and Mary. Stay positive, maybe say something positive and then be on your way. If anything, maybe Nelly, Debbie or Mary will get a taste of your positivity and rebuild their own from yours.
The key to a happy life is staying positive and happy!! Don't let anyone bring you down!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Making Time for Me
I'm realizing that everyone needs a day off - a day off to themselves, to relax, to enjoy their family, friends, etc. We can't keep going full steam ahead or else we get burnt out very quickly making it a not-so-pleasurable experience not just for ourselves, but for everyone else around us. Make sure you have that day off - to maybe get some errands done you've been putting off for quite some time, to tackle the yard work (at least it'll get you outside), to grab lunch with a family member or friend you have not seen in quite some time, to just enjoy "your time".
I'm looking forward to "my time" tomorrow - look at your calendar, when's "your time"?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Starting on a Clean Slate
The summer is coming to an end and I feel as though I didn't even have a summer. I've been working my butt off since May! I've hardly had days off but I feel that in the end, it has most certainly all been worth it. I was in the corporate world for many years after I graudated college and am now just finally pursuing what I enjoy .... personal training! I am very motivated and passionate about fitness and health and only want to pass on this motivation and passion to others. The start was pretty rough but I can gladly say that I'm finally on my way and feel confident about my future in the industry.
On top of being busy as anything with work, I'm gearing up to compete in September at the NPC Team Universe show in NYC and in November at the FAP Nationals in Las Vegas. Taking last year off from competing helped me to put alot of things in perspective and I am now doing what I enjoy and what makes me happy. I love setting goals, sticking to them and seeing through them. With my competitons, these are very personal challanges that I face but ones I won't be backing down from anytime soon. These shows help motivate me, push me and challenge me unlike no other. And through it all, I've made the best of friends and formed some amazing support systems. All of this is greatly due to my wonderful coach and staff, Cathy Savage Fitness.
Keep checking in to see how I'm doing with my preparation for fall shows!!!!