Thursday, September 10, 2009

Who Am I?

Today's blog is a pretty sensitive topic as it pertains to who we are, what we represent and our values. We all know who we are, what type of people we are and what we value and believe in. However there comes a time when another individual will come along and question our person and who we are.

I had a particular incident occur yesterday that left me questioning myself and my values. For those out there that know me, you know me well and know who I am. You know what I believe in and represent. Yesterday I had a particular person, someone that I have never met mind you, bombard me with false accusations about my character and my intentions in life. I sat there and read hurtful comments made towards myself, which left me ultimately really upset, frustrated and starting to question who I am. As I kept thinking to myself and asking who I am, I kept coming up with the same conclusions. I know who I am, I'm a good person and I'm true to myself and others. Should I have to explain that to people or justify that to anyone, especially someone I have never met before? The answer is no, and I am learning to be ok with "no".

So then why do you think people have the audacity to say such things about others? Maybe they have insecurities, maybe they have nothing better to say...whatever the case, it was said and it was said to purposely hurt. Sometimes people do and say the most outrageous things. I am a pretty sensitive and emotional person, so things like this usually hurt me. I can't let things just easily slide as everyone out there will advise - "just let it go". I can't let things go because I take things to heart. I'm learning that I need to start living by that motto - "just let it go". Is it really that easy though as you say? Do people who live by this motto really have an easy time letting things go, especially when hurtful things are said about you? If so - please let me know so that I learn that approach!

With all that being said....I leave you all with this about myself and who I am, as I put some thought into it yesterday, and I can proudly say that:

I am genuine & real
I am loyal & trustworthy
I am dedicated & motivated
I am a hard worker
I am sensitive & emotional
I am confident with who I am & love myself

Today starts a new day with a new beginning and the hurt of yesterday's comments are fading. But it did put some things in perspective for me as to what others are capable of. However I will publicly thank that person for saying those things as it did make me question myself and think about who I really am. I have found that although I am always growing and learning, I walk confident today knowing that I am a good person complete with good intentions and values...who are you?


  1. Hey girl!! Im an extremely emotional person as well... but in this case... for someone who doesnt know you... to judge you or say hurtful things to you.. JUST LAUGH IT OFF..I just dont get how someone could do that...As long as U know who U truely are(what type of person u are) and your close friend do... thats ALL that matters... let others think what they want... their true colors will shine through and make them look like a horrible person.. when it comes down to it... I feel that insecure people try to make others look bad because they are JEALOUS and WANT what u have... Stay strong girlie... and dont let the petty things ruin ur day... u wont get those hours back so dont waste them being upset!! : )

  2. Jules, don't ever question yourself or your values. You are a wonderful person in so many ways and you don't need me to tell you that. Believe in yourself! Much love.

  3. like i said before honey, you have come such a long way and it is wonderful to watch your journey as you discover who you are--not only who you are but to see you overcome some of the adversities you have had to deal with is awesome. you, my dear, are a quick learner..and i love the fact that you have learned to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and come out a stronger and more beautiful young woman than before. You are developing a very strong spirit and that will get you very far in your life!
