Julie Costa ~ ACSM Certified Personal Trainer & IFBB Professional Athlete
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Holiday Craziness
I feel that this past Christmas was the best yet! Everyone is busy in their everyday lives and some have more going on than others. However, we all come together as one, putting aside what's currently going on in our lives to just enjoy each other's company and be thankful for our family. I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything! No matter how frustrated or aggravated I can get with them at times.
I'm now gearing up for a big birthday tomorrow...the big 3-0. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling about it, because yes it is a big milestone, and surprisingly I am totally content and ready for my 30's. I feel that I'm in a stage of my life where I know myself better than ever, I'm content with where I am professionally and only look forward to what my 30's have in store for me. And then with a blink of an eye, it's 2010. I am so ready for the new year - a new year, new beginnings and new challenges. I'm ready to rock it!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Expect the Unexpected
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fitness Anywhere
A lot of my clients travel during this time and I have written out mini workouts for them to take with them on the road. The great thing about these workouts is that you don't need to go to a gym or have any gym equipment around you in order to do them. You can do them outside (pending where you are because of weather lol) or in the comfort of someone else's home. Heck, get your family and friends to even join you, make it fun!
Try the workout below while you're traveling to keep your endurance up and keep you moving. The key is to keep on moving from one exercise to the next, repeat 2 times in a row, rest then repeat again 2 more times.
10 Jumping Jacks
5 Jump Squats
10 Jumping Jacks
5 Burpees
10 Tricep Dips (on chair)
5 Pop-Up Pushups (on knees - pushing off the ground & getting air)
10 Up-Down Planks (start in plank positions on hands, lower down to elbows then back up, repeat)
10 Legged Bridges (each leg)
If you have any questions about any particular exercise or need modifications because of an injury, give me a shout!
Have fun!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Keep That Motivation Through the Holidays!
Use Moderation When Cheating On Your Diet: Allow yourself to indulge a little here and there, but limit your portions.
Set A Goal To Do Something Active Each Day: It might not be your average workout, but try to get out and move for at least 30 minutes.
Limit Your Alcohol Consumption: You are better off eating an extra piece of pie than consuming numerous cocktails. Excess alcohol contributes too much to fat gain.
Drink Plenty Of Water: Many times we will overeat because we are dehydrated and thirsty. Make sure that your water intake is adequate.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Importance of Stretching
Many of us go to the gym, get our workout in and then immediately leave. I hardly see any people at my gym actually take the time to cool down and stretch after their workouts. Yes, I am sometimes guilty of this too, but I am currently trying to really focus on dedicating time to stretching and going to yoga classes.
Taking the time to cool down and stretch is so important for the growth and recovery of our muscles. By working out, we are working our muscles and this can lead to many tight muscles. Stretching will help with our flexibility and help with our range of motion. Next time you're in the gym, try to put aside an extra 5-10 minutes to go cool down and stretch. Your muscles will thank you and the more you continue to do this, the better you will feel!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It's Starting to Feel Like Christmas?

The weather here in New England has certainly been all over the place within the past couple of weeks. Just this week it was 70 degrees and gorgeous out! Now that certainly isn't New England weather for December! However it's now finally starting to feel like Christmas is right around the corner in New England. Last night we were greeted with snow - it fell down slow, graceful and didn't accumulate too much but left for a beautiful picture this morning.
The above picture is my view of my drive to Cathy Savage's studio this morning for our weekly Sunday Session. It was such a gorgeous drive as many people were not on the road and the trees were covered with snow. It reminded me of how I need to start getting on the ball with my Christmas shopping!!!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Being Grateful

The above picture is from my most recent trip to Las Vegas - standing right in front of the Bellagio fountains for a shoot. I was fortunate enough to travel almost across the country with my fellow friends from New England. I traveled with them to help support and motivate - to be there with them and share in all their experiences and joys with them.
I look back and it makes me realize how grateful I am to have such wonderful, amazing, supportive, motivating, inspiring, positive and down to earth friends. I have shared many great experiences with all of them and cannot wait for what 2010 has in store for us all.
I love you girls!!!!!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
A Better You
However, I've recently found that some people can seem to offer you nothing positive. These types of people only come in to your life and pass through like a tornado, leaving you pushed down to the ground along with a mess for you to clean up on your own. Although these types of people are careless and hurtful, I have found at the same time that these types of relationships are the ones that, in the end, will make you a much STRONGER person. It's when we are pushed down to the ground, feeling helpless and alone with no help in sight, that we have no choice but to stand up on our own 2 feet alone in order to see it through. Although at the time, there may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel or no positivity in the future, we must continue to walk on our own and hold ourselves up high and march on. We live and we end up learning.
You see, life will throw us many curve balls. Life will send us some inspiring and motivating people in our lives in order to learn from and grow; however, life will also send us some negative and hurtful people in our lives too. Although we cannot see it at the time, we learn and grow from these types of people as well. Every person you meet, every exchange, every type of relationship serves a purpose in your life. These people, exchanges and relationships will shape you and keep moving you forward in your journey of life.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
You Are What You Eat
If you find yourself feeling the same way I did even after the holiday (lethargic and lazy), look at what you are eating. If you find that it's usually processed food or not-so-good-for-you food, try changing it up! Make sure to have 2-3 servings of fruits per day along with a variety of lean proteins, whole grains, good fats and veggies. You'll feel a world of difference better! And don't forget to keep drinking your water!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Back on Track
However yesterday I realized that I had enjoyed myself to the fullest and needed to get myself back on track. I hit the grocery store, planned some meals for the week and got to cooking in the kitchen. While I had my food cooking, I sat down to analyze my week and to map out my plan of attack in the gym. Next year brings a lot of new challenges my way, so I need to stay on top of my workouts and clean eating in order to get to where I want to be next year. I have a lot of obstacles in my way, but I am certain with a little bit of planning and implementing that I will certainly get there.
When I am prepared like this, it always helps me to stay on top of myself and accountable. We must always remember that we are the only ones that can get in our way of being successful. I woke up today feeling refreshed as it is a new day and a new start to a great week. You can be sure that I plan on getting it done this week! I am looking forward to what lies ahead - take the time to sit down and map out your week. This may make it a little easier for you to stick to your workouts and nutrition, knowing you have it all planned out.
Healthy Homemade Protein Bars
4 scoops Whey Protein Powder, chocolate
2 Tbsp Flaxseed (organic, ground)
4 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter (chunky)
1/4 cup water
Mix everything together with in a bowl. It'll get incorporated eventually after some strenuous forearm and shoulder work. Divide mixture in 4 equal parts and place them into separate pieces of plastic wrap. Put the bars into your fridge, or store them in the freezer.
*makes 4 servings
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Change It Up!
I wanted to take the time to write about the importance of changing it up at the gym. You cannot expect to go to the gym every day and do the same thing...this includes both lifting and cardio. If you are new to the gym and working out, you may want to play it safe and stick with 1 piece of cardio equipment like the elliptical until you feel more comfortable to try something new. That is fine. However, switch up your intensity 1 day...maybe you'll start with 20-30 minutes of a steady state pace. When you're in your groove, switch it up with intervals - maybe 1 minute at a higher resistance then 1 minute at a lower resistance and keep alternating.
You see, our bodies adapt quickly to whatever you throw its way, its part of the "survival" game. In order to beat hitting plateaus or getting stuck in a rut, you need to constantly keep challenging your body, keep it guessing as to what you'll be doing next in the gym. With this type of approach, you'll be sure to keep your progress moving forward and most importantly, you won't get bored at the gym!!!
In a week, try to do something different for each cardio workout - you want to try to not do the same thing in 1 week. Here are some ideas for doing cardio 5 days a week:
Stepmill (revolving staircase)
Jump Rope
Arc Trainer
Now the key with cardio machines is to try not to do the same thing/pace/resistance/incline for the whole time you're on the machine. Try to switch it up with intervals. So if you're on the treadmill, try jogging 1 minute, running 1 minute, sprinting 1 minute then recovering with a walk for 1 minute...keep doing that and you'll be sure to burn extra calories! With the jump rope, light skip for 1 minute, then hop for 1 minute then go all out for 1 minute. You could even lay the jump rope on the floor and hop side to side or front and back over it to switch it up.
Next time you go in the gym and start heading for your favorite cardio machine, steer away and head somewhere new. Just try it out! You may find your next favorite thing to incorporate into your future workouts.
Keep switching it up people and enjoy the benefits!
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am Thankful
This year, it seemed as if both sides of the family were in great spirits and everyone, for the most part, was/is doing well with their lives. I feel that everyone was just on the same page and so happy to be together. I am thankful to have a large family - 2 sides of family that are closer than ever with each other and who are all healthy, happy and successful. I am very family oriented so spending this quality time with my family is always something to look forward to. There were new family stories, new laughs and new people who joined us (lucky them haha!).
My holiday proceeded to go well into the early hours of the morning the following day (yes you read that right). It's tradition to stay at my aunt's house (on my mom's side) pretty late at night on holidays. We'll all gather together around the kitchen table, drinking wine, telling stories, laughing while my cousins' friends proceed to enter the house for the annually anticipated holiday poker tournament. The house is filled with family, friends and some people we don't even know lol but it's always a great time and we have a blast!
I'm now gearing up and getting ready for Christmas and New Year's!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Healthy Thanksgiving Stuffing
1 1/2 teaspoons canola oil
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup wild rice
3 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup bulgur, (see Note)
2 cups water
1/2 cup pecans
1 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
Freshly ground pepper to taste
*Heat oil in a heavy saucepan over medium heat.
*Add celery, onions and garlic; sauté for about 5 minutes, or until softened.
*Stir in wild rice. Add broth and salt and bring to a boil.
*Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the rice is tender and the liquid has been absorbed.
*Meanwhile, place bulgur and water in a bowl. Let soak for 30 minutes.
*Preheat oven to 350°F.
*Spread pecans on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, or until fragrant. *Let cool and chop coarsely.
*Place raisins in a small saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
*Stir the soaked bulgur, pecans, raisins and parsley into the cooked wild rice. *Season with salt and pepper. Let cool completely before stuffing.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Post Vegas Blues

I'm officially home from my last trip of the year and by far, my best trip of the year! I was fortunate to spend an amazing 4 days in Las Vegas with some truly inspirational and motivational women. These women all make up a team - a team of empowered, supportive and dedicated women, my Savage Sisters, coached by the one and only Cathy Savage. It's true - not only are they my team mates, but they are my sisters. We are there for each other for support, through good times, difficult times, to cheer, motivate, move, inspire...it's a great team to be a part of!
I got in to Vegas late Wednesday evening. I met up with some fellow friends, then started preparing for an early sunrise photo shoot the next day. Thursday came quick and a bunch of us were up and hiking the Red Rock Canyon around 6am in order to get some gorgeous photos in...I can't wait to see them! What an amazing scene it was! I feel truly blessed to have been able to travel to such a location...and in such a city of lights, Sin City! Who would've thought that even existed there? The rest of the day was comprised of meeting up with old friends then all joining together for a group photo shoot outside the Bellagio fountains. We certainly caused quite the scene!
The rest of my weekend was filled with lots of cheering, motivating, laughs, good food and good times. I'm so glad that I spent some more quality time with good friends as the memories we created were priceless. I feel so lucky to have such good friends and am lucky to have such experiences as these.
I'm now gearing up for a great holiday week...Thanksgiving is right around the corner and now I can spend some quality time with my family. I can't wait!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Viva Las Vegas!

This week I will be jet setting to the fabulous city of Las Vegas! I know I know...I travel a lot! LOL However keep in mind that most trips this year have been work related and have offered very little time to myself. These last 2 trips of the year are mostly for pleasure however this trip will have some business aspects to it.
I'm pumped up and can't wait to spend the long weekend with my friends. This will officially be my final trip of the year and what better way to top it all off...in Sin City! I leave Wednesday night and will be pretty busy up until then with clients, getting in my workouts, last minute errands and packing, so I figured I better update my blog today while I have the time :)
When I get back, it'll officially be Thanksgiving week - can you believe it?! I'm excited to spend some quality time with family on that day, one of my favorite holidays as there is no stress with gifts just spending time with the people you care about.
Make it an aswesome week everyone! You can bet that mine will be!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pump It Up!
"Bad Romance" - Lady Gaga
"Down" - Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne
"Evacuate the Dance Floor" - Cascada
"Don't Stop Believing" - Glee Cast version
"All Along the Watchtower" - Dave Matthews version
"Meet Me Half Way" - Black Eyed Peas
"City on Down" - O.A.R.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Food Food Food...
Egg white omelet made with spinach, salsa & fat free feta cheese
Oatmeal with blueberries
Greek yogurt with Kashi cereal, chopped apple & cinnamon
Weights & Cardio
1 scoop VPX Zero Carb Protein Powder (Graham Cracker flavor)
2 rice cakes
Ground turkey with brown rice, broccoli, peppers, onions
Shrimp stir fry with veggies & olive oil
Piece of dark chocolate
As you can see...there's a good amount of food variety in this day! A day set up like this gives me enough variety and satisfaction, which keeps me going all day long. It's comprised of my lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies & good fat -not to mention a nice piece of chocolate at the end of the day :) Eating every 2-3 hours keeps my metabolism revved up and running, which ultimately keeps me burning calories all day long, and I'm never coming down crashing from my food, wanting more.
Take the time to write down what you eat in 1 day. At the end of the day, you might be surprised to see what you wrote. Sometimes as we near the end of a day, we can forget about those cookies we had after lunch or soda with dinner. Try to make better choices and please do not stay in the frame of mind of only eating breakfast, lunch & dinner. You need to have snacks in between these meals as well....this will keep your metabolism up and running!
Happy eating!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How well rested do you feel? Are you getting in enough sleep? If you're like me, you are always on the run and always feel rushed. One thing I have currently been trying to focus on is making sure that I am getting in enough sleep at night. Everyone underestimates how important sleep is for you. This is the time when both our body and mind can rest, relax and take in what we've accomplished in the day. How much sleep and rest we get determines how productive we will be the following day, it will set our mood. Make it a point to check in with yourself to make sure you're getting in enough sleep!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Enjoying the Off Season
Although receiving my IFBB Pro Card in my bikini division at the 2009 NPC Team Universe show, I will be crossing over and competing in fitness for my first IFBB Pro show in April 2010 - it's very exciting! I'm thrilled with this decision, however I realize that I now need to work even harder in order to get there next year. In the IFBB, there are 5 mandatory strength/flexibility moves and I have yet to master all 5. This is something I am certainly working on right now and will take the next couple of months in order to do so. Along with working on my mandatory fitness routine moves, I also need to make some significant changes to my physique in order to stand tall and proud (ok, maybe not that tall because I'm only 5'1" haha)on that stage with the other IFBB competitors. This is why I am training like a maniac! I'm looking to put on some serious muscle in the short amount of time that I have.
So yes - lots of changes going on and in the works, but this girl is on fire and getting it done. I have the motivation, the drive and the desire...there's no stopping me! I'm working hard and putting everything I have into this in order to say that I absolutely gave it everything that I had...stay tuned for updates!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pizza for Breakfast???
(makes 4 servings)
4 oz. low fat cream cheese, at room temperature
2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/3 cup skim milk
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 Tbsp minced fresh chives
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 cup shredded Asiago cheese
2 cups shredded low fat mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup tomato sauce
2 cups sliced mushrooms - sauteed
2 turkey sausages (crumbled & cooked)
*Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
*Spray a 13 x 9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
*In a food processor, blend together the cream cheese and eggs until smooth.
*Add the skim milk, Parmesan, chives, garlic, and oregano. Blend until smooth.
*Scatter the Asiago and 1 cup of the mozzarella cheese in the bottom of the prepared baking dish. (This will make your crust.)
*Pour the egg mixture over the cheese.
*Bake for 30 minutes.
*Spread with the tomato sauce.
*Scatter the mushrooms and sausage over the top.
*Cover with the remaining 1 cup mozzarella.
*Turn on the broiler and broil about 6 inches from the heat until brown and bubbly.
*Let sit for 5 minutes or so before cutting.
From Coast to Coast
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sweet Tooth?
4 navel oranges
2 Tbsp orange juice
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp Splenda
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
*With a sharp knife, remove rind & white pith from oranges
*Cut each into 5 or 6 slices & arrange on 4 plates
*Whisk together orange juice & lemon juice, Splenda & cinnamon
*Spoon over the orange slices
Rush Hour
It seems as if everyone is in a rush these days - a rush to get to the next thing, a rush to end the day. Sometimes this can really frustrate me. Don't get me wrong - I'll find myself a lot of times running late and rushing. But why is it that our society is always in a state of rushing? Why can't we ever slow down? I'm making it a point to take each day one by one, to live each day to the fullest. Because if we constantly rush, we may just miss something fabulous that can happen in a a day. Make it a point to cherish every day!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What Did You Do For Halloween?
Yesterday (on Halloween), I was up early and on my way into Boston. There I was greeted by familiar faces, although a little more bronzed than usual, and proceeded to spend my day at the NPC New England States show at the John Hancock working for VPX. The show was comprised of bodybuilding, figure, fitness and bikini divisions. Now these people all had a choice - to either celebrate Halloween like everyone else or to spend it on a stage in a rather different costume...their costumes had a lot more thought and prep put into them. These people had been planning their costumes for close to 4 months and boy, did they pull it off and bring it together nicely!
The show was a success, despite being on a holiday and I was so glad to share the day with everyone. There's no where else I would have rather been than representing the best supplement company in the industry and cheering on all of my friends, who were getting recognized and rewarded for their costumes, probably their best costumes to date - the amazing transformations in their physiques that they have been working so hard to attain. Although ending late, the festivities were not over yet and a bunch of us proceeded to head out in order to celebrate.
I am so lucky to have found something in my life that brings me such joy, determination and drive. I thank everyone I have met through my own experiences and want to say a big CONGRATS to all of those that stepped on the stage yesterday - it was a great Halloween!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Seasons of Change
Now the off season is another story! Most people like to think that when we are not competing, our diets no longer exist and we are free to do whatever we want whenever we want. Boy is that far from the truth! The off season is a very important time of year. This is where we are allowed to take the time to make those significant changes to our physiques - we can eat more and therefore workout harder and more efficiently. We can also switch up our workouts to have more fun, maybe try something new. The last thing that we want to do is to gain all the weight back that we just tried losing for our last show - that doesn't make for an enjoyable experience the next time we have to diet down!
I am currently in my off season - my next show being in April 2010. Although I've just started my off season, I feel that so far it's been my most productive yet. I am having fun with my training, switching it up and already seeing and feeling changes. I know what lies in store for me next year and I know I need to work harder and stay focused in order to get there. I am enjoying new foods, new workouts and a new outlook on my future goals. I am determined and feel a fire inside of me like none other before. I am loving this off season and doing everything I can to be productive for the stage next year! I'm enjoying it now because before I know it...it's that time of year again - competition season!!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Need a New Dinner Idea?
½ Apple (small peeled/chopped)
4oz. Lean Ground Beef
¼ Cup Onion (chopped)
1 Egg White
5g Oats
¼ Cup Tomato Sauce
½ tsp. Curry powder
¼ tsp. Garlic powder
Salt/pepper (to taste)
Preheat oven to 350
Sauté apples & onions in pan over medium heat until onions are lightly browned (10-15 minutes) In a large bowl, combine onion mixture with remaining ingredients, using only ⅔ of the tomato sauce, mix well
Spray individual casserole tin with cooking spray and place meat mixture into pan
Top with remaining tomato sauce
Bake, uncovered, for 50 minutes
Friday, October 23, 2009
Proud to be a Savage Girl
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Life is About Creating Yourself

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Recharged & Refocused
Now that I am back to reality (although with a small case of the post-vacation blues), I am feeling recharged, reconnected and refocused. I had a lot to think about in my downtime on the beach and in the sun, and have realized that I need to focus 100% on me, my family & my friends. There is nothing out there of more importance. I was able to indulge on my vacation and enjoyed myself to the fullest. However as soon as I got back, I emailed my coach to talk about my preparation for the pro stage next year. I am so ready to jump right back into my training and to throw myself into it 110% in order to make significant changes for next year. I'm upping my game and cannot wait to see what is in store for me.
Stay tuned!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I'm ready to unwind yet recharge the batteries at the same time. When I come back, I'll be refocused, recharged and reconnected with myself and ready to roll. Watch out cause this girl is ready to make some changes and ready to take on the world when she comes back!!!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fall Breakfast

Friday, October 9, 2009
What's For Dinner?

4oz extra lean ground turkey
1 whole egg
½ cup brown rice
1 sliced onion
2 tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dust It Off
I'm no stranger to losses, that's for sure. For those of you that don't know me well - my biggest loss occurred when my mother passed away unexpectedly when I was just 10 years old. My whole life has constantly been a struggle with adapting to growing up without a mother, relying on other family members but mainly myself through difficult times and wishing on every special occasion that my mom was here to share it with. Lately I feel like I've been wishing she was here more so in times of sadness - here to give me advice, to console me and to make me smile again.
Through the past year or so, I've experienced other types of losses that have left me feeling alone and questioning who I am, sometimes even asking myself "what's wrong with me?". I'm currently going through another loss that is leaving me feeling speechless, numb, dumbfounded, sad, alone and disappointed. I find that I continue to put myself out there, showing my emotions and feelings and therefore becoming very vulnerable and in turn, I end up getting walked on and hurt. It's hard for me to play the games of going back and forth - I like to be me and be real. I'm getting sick and tired of exposing myself for others to see to only hurt me in the end. I have so much inside and so much to give. I keep feeling like I'm being put through some test to see how much I can take...I'm just getting sick and tired of it.
When we get pushed down, how long does it really take to dust it off and get back up again? How long does it take until we can feel like ourselves again? How long will we feel hidden with walls up before we can let them back down for someone else to see the real us? These are all questions I constantly seek answers to. Until then, all I can try to do right now is to continue on this bumpy road we call life and hope there are no more bumps ahead. I'm holding on and driving.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lazy Sunday...
Last night I got to lay in bed while watching the live Olympia webcast from Las Vegas, and today I got to lounge around! Yup you heard that right, I lounged around! I got some clients' workouts written up for the week ahead and cooked some meals for the week, so overall a very productive day. I am ready for Monday!
I feel as though we all look forward to Sundays...whether it's because of football, time with family and friends or just to have some "me time" - Sundays always allow you to do whatever you please. I was happy with my Sunday!!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Monday, September 21, 2009
The Results Are In....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Team U - Here I Come!
I'm now only a couple of days away from the NPC Team Universe show and feeling fierce! With being sick over a week ago and feeling as if my training was put on hold - I am now feeling confident and ready to bring it! I met with my coach, Cathy Savage, this afternoon to go over last minute posing and show prep and feel much more confident after seeing her. I am overly excited to get to NYC and to compete. This will be my first time competing in Bikini in the NPC, so I'm not too sure what to expect as the division is still new for the NPC; however, I am confident with myself and know that whatever the outcome...I am certainly bringing my A-Game! Stay tuned for a weekend recap!!!!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Who Am I?
I had a particular incident occur yesterday that left me questioning myself and my values. For those out there that know me, you know me well and know who I am. You know what I believe in and represent. Yesterday I had a particular person, someone that I have never met mind you, bombard me with false accusations about my character and my intentions in life. I sat there and read hurtful comments made towards myself, which left me ultimately really upset, frustrated and starting to question who I am. As I kept thinking to myself and asking who I am, I kept coming up with the same conclusions. I know who I am, I'm a good person and I'm true to myself and others. Should I have to explain that to people or justify that to anyone, especially someone I have never met before? The answer is no, and I am learning to be ok with "no".
So then why do you think people have the audacity to say such things about others? Maybe they have insecurities, maybe they have nothing better to say...whatever the case, it was said and it was said to purposely hurt. Sometimes people do and say the most outrageous things. I am a pretty sensitive and emotional person, so things like this usually hurt me. I can't let things just easily slide as everyone out there will advise - "just let it go". I can't let things go because I take things to heart. I'm learning that I need to start living by that motto - "just let it go". Is it really that easy though as you say? Do people who live by this motto really have an easy time letting things go, especially when hurtful things are said about you? If so - please let me know so that I learn that approach!
With all that being said....I leave you all with this about myself and who I am, as I put some thought into it yesterday, and I can proudly say that:
I am genuine & real
I am loyal & trustworthy
I am dedicated & motivated
I am a hard worker
I am sensitive & emotional
I am confident with who I am & love myself
Today starts a new day with a new beginning and the hurt of yesterday's comments are fading. But it did put some things in perspective for me as to what others are capable of. However I will publicly thank that person for saying those things as it did make me question myself and think about who I really am. I have found that although I am always growing and learning, I walk confident today knowing that I am a good person complete with good intentions and values...who are you?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Back to Reality
Go figure...all I wanted to do all weekend was to relax on the beach and get some sun. However, as it was gorgeous and sunny back home - there was no sign of the sun in Florida. Just my luck! I was still able to relax - I got in my workouts, went to the movies and had some time off from working at the gym and teaching bootcamps. It was nice to relax and do some things that I never have time for anymore.
I'm home now and getting ready for the start of a new week - unpacking, have to get some groceries, cook, and write up workouts for the week. I'm officially 2 weeks out from Team Universe in New York - yikes! It's quickly approaching and I can't wait!
Here's to a great week ahead!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Feeling Under the Weather
Instead of pushing for it and continuing to work hard, like most people will probably do...I listen to my body. It's telling me to relax and to take some time off to take care of myself. Why do I want to continue pushing only to feel worse in the end? Don't get me wrong...I AM getting to that show, but my health is my main priority and while others may jeapordize that, I certainly will not. To be healthy is something that a lot of individuals can take advantage of. If you have good health - hang on to it by taking care of you (even if that requires taking some time to rest).
I'm hoping to be back in the swing of things by tomorrow or the latest, by Friday. Fingers crossed!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Fall Resolutions
I like to think of this time of year as a fresh start. It's the start of a new season and in essence, almost a "clean slate". Were there things in the summer that you wanted to get done but didn't? Are you looking to set a new goal or overcome a new challenge? Take the time to think about that...what would you like to see happen this fall that maybe didn't in the summer. During the summer, we can get easily consumed with family/friend outings, bbq's, beachtime, and just summer laziness in general. What would you like to see happen this fall? Maybe set a fall resolution...resolutions are not just for the beginning of a new year.
For me, I'm looking to constantly challenge myself, and not just physically and with strength. This fall I'd like to see all of my hard work from the summer pay off by obtaining some new clients at the gym. I'd like to get some new clients that really challenge me as a trainer, clients that ask questions and really make me...work! Did I just say that? The only way I can grow is to be challenged, it's the only way I can and will learn. So that's my resolution - to keep on growing, learning and challenging myself. Stay tuned for updates on this one!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Taking a Breather
I still have a lot of stuff to catch up on and have to get my own training in, but wanted to take the time to update my blog as I know you all REALLY want to know what's going on with me lol. I'm off to Atlantic City tomorrow morning for the weekend to work an event and am really excited as I've never been to Atlantic City before and I love visiting new places. I love taking the time to explore on my own - and by exploring I mean running/walking around the city and getting in a workout at the same time haha! Here's to a great weekend in a new city!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Keep Pushing For It

I just got home after a kickass workout at the Cathy Savage Fitness studio with the one and only, Paula Harvey (otherwise known as Lil P). Paula is a little bundle of fire and energy that choreographs many fitness routines as well as trains many of Cathy's clients with functional and plyometric workouts. She also helps many of us with our stage presence/walking and posture. Did I mention that she is also an amazing yoga teacher? That woman sure can do everything! Geesh!
After training clients and running bootcamps all day, it can sometimes be difficult to focus on my own training and making sure that I am pushing myself as much as I push others. Don't get me wrong - I certainly train hard. However, after tonight's workout I am realizing that I need to push myself harder. When I workout with Paula, she pushes me to a place that I never knew I could get to. After an hour with her, I feel amazing and stronger than ever!
With that being said...I think that this relates to everyone in their everyday lives. This doesn't have to just be about training and workouts. Do you want that promotion at work? Are you currently doing everything in your power to get there? Really think about it - if not, push harder! We tend to get to a comfort zone that we can never get past. Write down your goals, what you want to achieve, where you want to be strong and succeed and...make it happen. We are each strong in our own separate ways. Strength is not just about the physical aspect - it is also very mental and emotional. If you had to pick just 1 thing - what would be your greatest strength????
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Meal Preparation - One of the Many Tasks of a Fitness Competitor

Staying Positive
Why is it that we let these people so easily bring us down to feel the same as them? The truth of the matter is that they don't bring us down - we let them bring us down. We can so easily and quickly get wrapped up in their world and feelings of negativity, that our feelings of waking up great and ready to conquer the world dissolves. Why do we let this happen?
I challenge each and every one of you to take a few deep breaths next time you encounter Nelly, Debbie and Mary. Stay positive, maybe say something positive and then be on your way. If anything, maybe Nelly, Debbie or Mary will get a taste of your positivity and rebuild their own from yours.
The key to a happy life is staying positive and happy!! Don't let anyone bring you down!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Making Time for Me
I'm realizing that everyone needs a day off - a day off to themselves, to relax, to enjoy their family, friends, etc. We can't keep going full steam ahead or else we get burnt out very quickly making it a not-so-pleasurable experience not just for ourselves, but for everyone else around us. Make sure you have that day off - to maybe get some errands done you've been putting off for quite some time, to tackle the yard work (at least it'll get you outside), to grab lunch with a family member or friend you have not seen in quite some time, to just enjoy "your time".
I'm looking forward to "my time" tomorrow - look at your calendar, when's "your time"?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Starting on a Clean Slate
The summer is coming to an end and I feel as though I didn't even have a summer. I've been working my butt off since May! I've hardly had days off but I feel that in the end, it has most certainly all been worth it. I was in the corporate world for many years after I graudated college and am now just finally pursuing what I enjoy .... personal training! I am very motivated and passionate about fitness and health and only want to pass on this motivation and passion to others. The start was pretty rough but I can gladly say that I'm finally on my way and feel confident about my future in the industry.
On top of being busy as anything with work, I'm gearing up to compete in September at the NPC Team Universe show in NYC and in November at the FAP Nationals in Las Vegas. Taking last year off from competing helped me to put alot of things in perspective and I am now doing what I enjoy and what makes me happy. I love setting goals, sticking to them and seeing through them. With my competitons, these are very personal challanges that I face but ones I won't be backing down from anytime soon. These shows help motivate me, push me and challenge me unlike no other. And through it all, I've made the best of friends and formed some amazing support systems. All of this is greatly due to my wonderful coach and staff, Cathy Savage Fitness.
Keep checking in to see how I'm doing with my preparation for fall shows!!!!