Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Check Out This Great Interval Workout!

Want a great interval workout?! 

Download "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence & The Machine. Pick a strength exercise & a cardio exercise (ex pushups & burpees). Perform pushups during the slow parts of the song & then burpees during the fast parts of the song (the chorus). This is a great intense workout, which will keep your heart rate up! 

You can do this with just strength exercises or cardio intervals - give it a shot!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I get confronted on a daily basis from both my clients and other fitness competitors regarding their current workout/nutrition program and their results. A lot of the time we expect things to happen overnight - we are a pretty impatient bunch! However we all know that results do not happen overnight, hardly anything can happen that quickly. Unfortunately we can not wave a magic wand to see immediate results. Although at times we feel that we are working super hard in our workouts and making continuous efforts in our nutrition, there may be setbacks here and there that we easily forget about it. That's why I always recommend writing down EVERYTHING that you do - both workouts and nutrition. This way, you can always look back to see what you did in the past week that either contributed to your progress or hindered your progress. The #1 piece of advice that I always give is to be consistent in what you do - consistency is key and will ultimately lead to results. Trust in the entire process and what is set out in front of you and take each day 1 by 1 - if you tackle each day and know that you conquered it 100%, it will get that much easier to reach your goals....patience is a virtue :)