Saturday, March 20, 2010

To The Limit

Have you ever pushed yourself further and further towards a particular goal? Have you gone that extra mile in order to do so? With today being the official 2 week mark to my first IFBB Pro Fitness show (NY Pro 4/3/10), I am feeling an overwhelming bucket of emotions. I feel like I've worked hard, I've dieted hard, I've pushed myself and tested myself. I have done so because I feel that I have to prove myself - prove myself to everyone that I deserve this and I can rock it out with the best of them. I clearly have many obstacles in my way, such as my physique not being up to parr with most of the IFBB Pro fitness girls but I'm bringing the best package for me and I feel confident in's about the best that I can be, not what someone else brings to the stage. Every day I do question what the heck I'm doing and therefore this whole journey is really proving it to myself that I can do this and that I WILL belong up on that stage. I am constantly critical of myself and hard on myself and get frustrated, upset and aggravated with myself but yet I keep on pushing. I get emotional because I feel the pressure...the pressure to do the best that I can. I know that certain people are particularly hard on me because they see potential in me and know I can succeed. I want to make people proud but most of all, I want to make myself proud and that's what I intend to do. 2 weeks! I'm on it, I'm going to be organized and structured and kill it. I'm going to bring the best that I can to that NY stage and rock it out. Because at the end of the day, doing the best that I can is all that really matters.

"All you need is love"

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