Friday, December 4, 2009

A Better You

Do you ever wonder why certain people come & go into our lives? Do they pass through in order to teach us some sort of valuable lesson or to open our eyes to something specific? I've had many people come and go in my life, some great experiences and some, well let's just say, not-so-good experiences. I am a people person, I deal with people directly for a living. I enjoy meeting new people, learning about new people and how they see the world. These types of experiences shape me as a person and who I'm striving to become. Many people can offer you insight to their beliefs and values, and help you to create a better set of beliefs and values for yourself, ultimately making you a better and more centered individual.

However, I've recently found that some people can seem to offer you nothing positive. These types of people only come in to your life and pass through like a tornado, leaving you pushed down to the ground along with a mess for you to clean up on your own. Although these types of people are careless and hurtful, I have found at the same time that these types of relationships are the ones that, in the end, will make you a much STRONGER person. It's when we are pushed down to the ground, feeling helpless and alone with no help in sight, that we have no choice but to stand up on our own 2 feet alone in order to see it through. Although at the time, there may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel or no positivity in the future, we must continue to walk on our own and hold ourselves up high and march on. We live and we end up learning.

You see, life will throw us many curve balls. Life will send us some inspiring and motivating people in our lives in order to learn from and grow; however, life will also send us some negative and hurtful people in our lives too. Although we cannot see it at the time, we learn and grow from these types of people as well. Every person you meet, every exchange, every type of relationship serves a purpose in your life. These people, exchanges and relationships will shape you and keep moving you forward in your journey of life.

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