Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Craziness

It feels like I have not updated my blog in quite some time due to all of the craziness that surrounds us around the holidays. We can get so frantic and pressed for time with the holidays quickly approaching, but before you know it - it's all over! I look forward to the holidays because more than anything, it's a time for me to be with my family and loved ones. I come from a rather large family, so when we come together, you can guarantee that it's a great time with great food and lots of laughs. All the old stories start coming out while we gather around, eat, drink and reminisce. I love my family! They truly are what has shaped me into the woman that I am today. From each person, I have learned valuable lessons and beliefs and for each of them, I am thankful.

I feel that this past Christmas was the best yet! Everyone is busy in their everyday lives and some have more going on than others. However, we all come together as one, putting aside what's currently going on in our lives to just enjoy each other's company and be thankful for our family. I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything! No matter how frustrated or aggravated I can get with them at times.

I'm now gearing up for a big birthday tomorrow...the big 3-0. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling about it, because yes it is a big milestone, and surprisingly I am totally content and ready for my 30's. I feel that I'm in a stage of my life where I know myself better than ever, I'm content with where I am professionally and only look forward to what my 30's have in store for me. And then with a blink of an eye, it's 2010. I am so ready for the new year - a new year, new beginnings and new challenges. I'm ready to rock it!

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