Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fitness Anywhere

Many of you will soon be traveling for the holidays and leaving your regular workouts and good clean eating at home - I mean, come on, it's the holidays, right? Wrong! Just because you are traveling somewhere else and may not have a gym membership where you are going, doesn't mean that you should leave your workouts at home and indulge in every morsel of food while away. If you do that, it will only be more difficult to get back into the groove when you return. Keep it going while you are away - it'll make you feel better!

A lot of my clients travel during this time and I have written out mini workouts for them to take with them on the road. The great thing about these workouts is that you don't need to go to a gym or have any gym equipment around you in order to do them. You can do them outside (pending where you are because of weather lol) or in the comfort of someone else's home. Heck, get your family and friends to even join you, make it fun!

Try the workout below while you're traveling to keep your endurance up and keep you moving. The key is to keep on moving from one exercise to the next, repeat 2 times in a row, rest then repeat again 2 more times.

10 Jumping Jacks
5 Jump Squats
10 Jumping Jacks
5 Burpees
10 Tricep Dips (on chair)
5 Pop-Up Pushups (on knees - pushing off the ground & getting air)
10 Up-Down Planks (start in plank positions on hands, lower down to elbows then back up, repeat)
10 Legged Bridges (each leg)

If you have any questions about any particular exercise or need modifications because of an injury, give me a shout!

Have fun!

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